When you are at your limit with a person, influence, or even your own bad habits, it’s time to..
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Money, love, fame, influence, Venus will get it all for you. When you need to be That Bitch who has ..
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Your star power is energized by The Sun, transforming you from cursed to blessed. Use The Sun ..
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When you need to stand up for yourself and take what you want and deserve, Mars is the planet to ali..
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Astro Magic Sprays
Level up your celestial energy with our new Astro Magic sprays! 10 carefully crafted and specially formulated sprays to help you navigate the astrological calendar and channel the influences of our planets and stars. Remember: As above, so below. So reach out beyond the sky and expand your world with Astro Magic
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When you need the truth, you need Mercury. Just the facts are what Mercury is concerned about...
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Align yourself with the New Moon to open up new possibilities and create with big magic.
The ..
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When you are at your limit with a person, influence, or even your own bad habits, it’s time to..
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Self-care is all about doing you! Taking care of and honoring yourself and your natural cycles is a ..
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Your star power is energized by The Sun, transforming you from cursed to blessed. Use The Sun ..
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Release your spell, clear the old, complete a cycle, or cleanse yourself of limits, the moon is at h..
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Align yourself with Jupiter energy to improve anything and everything, it is the guardian angel plan..
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When you need to stand up for yourself and take what you want and deserve, Mars is the planet to ali..
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Is it Mercury Retrograde again? You can take cover or you can tame the MRx. There is a mistaken thou..
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Money, love, fame, influence, Venus will get it all for you. When you need to be That Bitch who has ..
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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)