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New moon in Sagittarius on December 17, 2017

New Moon in SagitariusWe wrap up 2017 with the theme of cutting cords or if you prefer, closure. As the new moon travels through flirty Sagittarius, we too will want to leave on a good note. I hear it many times over, always leave them laughing or wanting more.

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New moon in Virgo on September 19, 2017

New Moon SeptemberA new moon is our opportunity to begin again. In our theme of getting back to basics, I am reminded of clutter and the obscenity of it all. If having too much stuff is stressing you out and cluttering your mind, it’s time to make your three piles.

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Happy New Year to YOU! Treat Yourself with our Select Restocking Specials.

coventry advantageHello January, and hello 2017! It’s time to throw away the party hats and put on your “adulting cap”. This past season we celebrated friends, family, and tradition. Our festivities honored the challenges, victories and changes we made individually and collectively throughout 2016. But that last hooray is over and it’s time to sail forward into something new.

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© 2016-12-19 16:11:55

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