By Stacy A on Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Category: Just in from the field

Turning the Tables: Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle Transformed My Workplace

I want to share a personal story that not only transformed my work environment. This post is for you if you’ve

ever found yourself bogged down by workplace gossip or negative coworkers.

The Challenge: Workplace Negativity and Gossip

We’ve all been there, stuck in a work environment where gossip and negativity thrive. Many of you may not know that I have worked as a wellness and recovery coach on and off since 2017. I did not get into this for financial gain but more for food to my soul. I am a survivor of domestic violence and after I left my 13-year nightmare. I felt that had grown so much in therapy I wanted to help others. I was isolated for years and I hoped to help someone else feel less alone. If I am honest I think I needed to give my testimony a higher purpose. Supporting folks, and listening to their stories never ceases to inspire me.  So it came as a shock to me when I found the joy being sucked away from of all things someone who works as a professional in the mental health field. For me, it was a particularly challenging period. I was still learning to create boundaries and honor my inner voice. Despite my best efforts to stay positive and focused, a certain coworker’s negativity and constant gossiping were affecting my productivity and overall well-being

Discovering Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle

I had truly used every skill that I knew as a means to cope with this person's toxicity. I found myself struggling to be able to offer my very best to clients. How could I ever be a beacon of healing like this? Well, I just couldn't actually.  Some days I would decline shifts that were offered to me so that  I could avoid them all together! In hindsight, I went about it all backward. If I had to do it again I would have approached this energetically to begin with:

<ENTER>. Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle. Known to be a super-powerful ass kicker! This candle is designed to clear away negative energy and create a protective barrier against harmful influences. 

The Ritual: Setting Intentions and Lighting the Candle

I set aside a quiet evening to perform the uncrossing ritual. Here’s what I did:

1. Cleared my space with a sage. Orgindiarly, a smudge stick is jam.  A candle is passable in certain spaces here but a whole smudge stick? I dared not! In a professional setting that would be super tricky. For this effort, I employed Wicked Good Smudge Spray to ensure a neutral environment. 

2. Setting Intentions:  I wrote down my intentions on a piece of paper specifically focusing on stopping workplace gossip and neutralizing the negative energy. I was as specific but kept it simple.

3. Lighting the Candle: With a calm and focused mind, I lit the Ultimate Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle, visualizing a protective barrier forming around me and my workspace.

4. Affirmations: I recited positive affirmations, reinforcing my intentions and welcoming positivity into my life.  

The Results: A Noticeable Shift

The change didn’t happen overnight, but it was noticeable. Over the next few weeks, I noticed a significant reduction in workplace gossip. My negative coworker seemed less influential, and the overall atmosphere at work became more positive and collaborative. A short time after she moved over to a different agency altogether. I mean talk about results!

 My Takeaway

Using Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle was more than just a spiritual practice. It was an empowering experience. It helped me reclaim my peace, joy, and productivity at work. If you’re dealing with similar issues, I highly recommend it.

 Final Thoughts

Workplace negativity can be incredibly draining, but with the right tools and mindset, it’s possible to create a positive and harmonious environment. Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle was my go-to solution, and it might just be yours too.

Have you tried any spiritual practices to improve your work life? I’d love to hear your stories and experiences. Shoot me an

Stay positive and protected,

XO Stacy!